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“For Good Measure”®

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Product List


Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.

          CK 1985/007464/23

“Tomorrow’s Instruments Today”  —  “For Good Measure” ®

TMI, Established—1982

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LCR Meters

LCR Meters

Part No:  LCR-9183

LCR Meter, 100Hz / 120Hz / 1Khz / 10KHz / 100KHz, Professional, 19,999 / 1,999 counts dual LCD Display. Serial/Parallel modes,  Smart Auto, RS232/USB Output.

Lutron DM-9183 Smart LCR Meter


Lutron DM-9183 Smart LCR Meter

Notes on LCR Meters.

LCR meters and impedance meters measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance or impedance (R). Instruments used for LCR measurements are built as universal and multifunctional devices. They enable automatic (triggered or cyclic) measurements of L, C, and R as well as other parameters such as quality and dissipation factors. Instrument type, measurement specifications, test signal or source characteristics, and other measurements are important parameters to consider when searching for LCR meters and impedance meters. Additional specifications that are important to consider include user interface options, display options, additional output options, general features and functionality and environmental parameters.

Instrument types include hand held, portable, and fixtured or permanent. General measurements that are important to consider when searching for LCR meters and impedance meters include resistance or impedance range and accuracy, capacitance measurement range and accuracy, and inductance measurement range and accuracy. Resistance or impedance is the opposition that a device or material offers to the flow of current, equal to the voltage drop across the element divided by the current through the element. Also known as electrical resistance. Also called impedance, parameters are Z or Rac. A capacitor is a system of two conducting electrodes, having equal and opposite charges separated by a dielectric. The capacitance, C, of this system is equal to the ratio of the absolute value of the charge, q, to the absolute value of the voltage between bodies as: C= q/v.The unit of capacitance, the farad, is a large unit; practical capacitors have capacitances in microfarads, nanofarads and picofarads. Self-inductance is defined as the relation between current (i) flowing through the coil and voltage (v) measured at its terminals. Also the property of an electric circuit or of two neighboring circuits whereby an electromotive force is generated in one circuit by a change of current in itself or in the other. One Henry (1 H) is the inductance of a circuit in which as electromotive force of one volt (1 V) is induced, when the current in the circuit changes uniformly by one ampere (1 A) per second (1 s).

Test signal or source characteristics that are important to consider when specifying LCR meters and impedance meters include basic accuracy, number of digits displayed, number of steps, test signal or frequency range, and response time. Basic accuracy is the typical value at 1 kHz. The number of digits displayed refers to the number of digits on the readout. Number of steps in the measurement is important to consider. The test signal frequency range is the frequency range at which the instrument operates. Response time is the amount of time it takes for the LCR meters and impedance meters to make and display measurements.

Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.T+M Instruments

LCR Bench Multifunctional LCR Precision Meter. USB.  For L,C,R, Z , D, Q, X, ESR, Φdeg & ΦRad and others, under frequencies of : 40Hz, to 200kHz (41 Points)


Matrix Bench Precision LCR Meter, MCR 5000 Series, TMI

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LCR Inductance & Capacitance Meters

T + M ®

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Part No:  LCR-9184

LCR Meter, 100Hz to 10KHz, Professional, Backlight, Sorting Mode.19,999 counts dual LCD Display. Serial/Parallel modes,  Smart Auto, RS232/USB Output.


Lutron Instruments DM-9184 Smart Professional LCR MeterLutron Instruments DM-9184 Smart Professional LCR MeterLutron Instruments DM-9184 Smart Professional LCR Meter

Part No:  LCR-9172

LCR Meter, 100Hz to 100KHz, 6000 counts, DCR Mode, DC Measure Function, dual LCD Display, Data Hold. Serial/Parallel modes, Ls/Lp/Cs/Cp with D/Q/θ/ESR .


Lutron Instruments DM-9172 Smart Professional LCR MeterLutron Instruments DM-9172 Smart Professional LCR Meter
Lutron Instruments DM-9172 Smart Professional LCR Meter30th anniversay of Test and Measurement Instruments c.c.

Brand Names



Air Quality Meters

Alcohol Breath Tester

Alignment Equipment

AM & FM Signal Generators


Appliance Testers

Audio Generators

Audio Impedance Meter


Automotive testers



Batteries for Equipment

Battery Analyser /

Battery Desulphator Charger

Bench DMM’s


Bread Boards

Breath  Alcohol Tester

Cable Fault Locators

Cable Height Meter

Cable Testers


Capacitance meters

Carbon Dioxide meters

Carbon Monoxide meters

Car Testers

Caster / Camber Gauges

Chlorine Meter

Clamp meters

Clearance Sale:

Colour Analysers

Combination Combo Meters

Concrete Testing

Conductivity  / TDS meters

Contact Tachometers

Continuity Tester

Controller / Monitors

Corner Weight Scales

Coronavirus COVID-19

Current Meters, Bench Type

Data Acquisition Systems

Data Loggers

Decade Boxes

Dew Point Meters

Digital Vernier Calipers

Digital Scales

Digital Multimeters , DMMs

Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Distance Meters

Drain Pipe Camera

Drug Testing

Dust Monitoring

Earth resistance meter

Earth Leakage Tester, ELCB

Educational Systems

Electrical Connectors

Electromagnetic Field Testers

Electrostatic Field Tester

EMF tester

Explosives Testing

Eye Tracker

Field Strength Meters

Force gauge

Frequency Counter

Function Generators

GSM Controller

Gas leak detector

Green Hybrid Power

Grid Dip Meter

Hardness tester

Helicopter IR Gimbals

HV(High Voltage) Testing

Humidity meter


Inductance Decade Box

Infrared Thermometers

Infrared Thermography


Insulation tester

Laser Levelling

LCR meter

Leakage Clamp Meters

Logic Analyser

Logic Probes/Pulsers

Lux meter, (Light meter)


Metal Detector


Micro-Ohm Meters

Microwave Leakage

Milliohm meter


Moisture meter


Night Vision Equipment

Optical Gas Imaging OGI Thermal Cameras

ORP meter


Oxygen Meters

Pattern generators

Panel meter

PC-Based Instruments

Pen type tester

pH Meters and Probes

Pipe Inspection Camera

Photo Tachometer

Power analyzer

Power clamp meter

Power Supplies

Pressure/Vacuum meter

3 Phase Rotation Tester

Pressure Transducer

Probes, Oscilloscope

Protection Relay Testing

Proximity sensor

Racing Equipment

RCCB tester

RCD, RCCB Testers

Radiation Testers


Renewable Energy

RF Generators

Resistance Decade Box

Roughness tester


Salt meter

Satellite Testing Equipment


Scales, Digital

Shore Hardness Tester


Soil Moisture Meters

Soil pH meter

Solar Power Meter


Sound level meter

Spectrum Analyser


Student Bench Meters

Stun Guns

SWR / RF Power Meters


TDS / Conductivity Meters

Test Leads

Thermal Cameras– Long Distance –20Kms

Thermal Imagers



Thermography Courses

Thickness Testers

Tone Generator/ Tracer

Tools - Hydraulic Crimp

Torque meter

Torque wrench

Transformer Testing

Transient Suppressors


TV & Satellite Meters

Turbidity Meter

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Ultrasonic Thickness

UV Corona & IR Cameras, Combined

UV light meter

Vacuum meter

Variable Transformers

Verniers, Micrometers

Vibration meter

Video Scope

Watt meter

Water Tester

Water Testing Meters

Weather Station

Vacuum/Pressure meter

Voltmeters, Bench Type

Voltage Detectors

Voltage Regulators

5 Way® Binding Posts

Voltage Stabilisers

XRF Analysers

All brands, trade names, trade marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

T + M®                      




Time Group




Superior Electric


S.E.W. Standard Electric Works

Ph:   +27 (011) 683 4365 / 6

E-mail: sales@instrumentsgroup.co.za






Physical   Address:              

3 Angelica Ave,

Glenvista, Johannesburg, 2091



Postal Address:

As Above.

011 683 4365
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Also: Thermal Imagers

FLIR TG267 Thermal Imagng Spot Non Contact Thermometer Matrix Bench Precision LCR Meter, MCR 5000 Series, TMIMatrix Bench Precision LCR Meter, MCR 5000 Series, TMI
TMI PagerankT+M Instruments Lutron InstrumentFluke Instrument Flir Infrared ThermometryITC Training Centre Thermography CoursesEZ Digital Time Group High Time TechnologyElektroPhysikPromax Electronics Acute PC-Based Instruments from Test andMeasurement Instruments C.C.Intercomp "For any Measure"MSR Electronics Superior Electric PowerstatK and H EducationalSEW InstrumentsRishabh LogoDanatronics LogoYokogawa Instruments T+M VERYTEK range of test and meaurement instrumentsRohde and ShwarzMegger Test Instruments and Equipment, Megger South Africa, Megger SA.Extech Test and Measuring InstrumentsHurleyIR Military Night Thermal Cameras and GimbalsIntoximeters Breath Alcohol TestersGuideIR Thermal Cameras, Guide-IR, Guide Sensmart, JEET VideoscopesTriplett Test Equipment and ToolsDetectaChem for Explosives and Drug Testing