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Stabiline® WHR Series Voltage Regulators

Voltage Regulators

See also: Stabiline® Automatic Voltage Regulators

See also: Stabiline® Uninterruptible Power Supplies

See also: Stabiline® Power Conditioners

See also: Luxtrol® Lighting Controls

See also: Superior Electric

Stabiline®  WHR Automatic Voltage Regulators for radio and television broadcasting AC power systems up to 660 volts avoiding utility brownouts, blackouts as well as over and under voltage conditions damaging or reducing power tube life and malfunctions.

Stabiline WHR Series Voltage Regulator Features

· Holds output voltage within ±1%

· Power ratings from 2 to 1680 kVA

· Two input voltage ranges available

· "All Buck" or "All Boost" capability

· 99% typical efficiency

· High overload capacity

· Designed to meet UL and CSA standards

· No waveform distortion

· Low impedance

· Fast response time

· No power factor restrictions

· Shifted input ranges provide greater low voltage protection

· Full 2 year warranty



Options permit customizing to the application:

· Single or three phase models

· Analog or digital control

· Maintenance bypass switch

· High energy transient suppression

· Choice of two input ranges

· Zigzag neutral generating transformer

· All voltages up to 660 volts

· Ammeters

· Frequency meter with trip points

· Tropicalisation treatment

· Manual raise-lower switches

· Single or individual phase control

· Input voltage range alarm contacts

· Full range of power ratings

· Input circuit breaker available with shunt or under voltage trip

· Phase loss/reversal alarm contacts


Pricing varies depending on requirement. Please email you request with full description of requirement and application to : jsantos@instrumentsgroup.co.za .

Additional information will soon be placed on this page for easier selection .

Datasheet and Requirement Questionnaire:

WHR-Series Automatic Voltage Regulators (82KB)

Specification Catalogs:

WHR Page 40        (470KB)                                                        WHR page 41  (460KB)



Complete WHR Catalog                  (9MB)

Stabiline automatic voltage Regulators
Superior Electric Powerstat Variable Transformers

Copyright  © 2009—2025 Test and Measurement  Instruments C.C.   |  All rights reserved

Stabiline ®  WHR Automatic Voltage Regulators

Handheld Tester for Suppressors

Uninterruptible Power SuppliesVoltage Regulators

WHR Regulators

STABILINE® WHR Series Automatic Voltage Regulators eliminate the power quality problems maintaining constant voltage to sensitive electronic equipment.

Stabiline automatic voltage Regulators
Stabiline automatic voltage Regulators

STABILINE ® WHR Series of Voltage Regulators

19” Rack Mounting Systems

Stabiline Automatic Voltage Regulators

Despite technological advances in the industry, utility brownouts, blackouts and over as well as under voltage conditions continue to be a problem in voltage sensitive broadcast systems, studios, receiving stations, mobile production vehicles and remote transmitter sites. Other power line disturbances such as sags, surges and spikes can also cause equipment malfunction, hardware/software damage or reduced power tube life.

WHR Series STABILINE® Voltage Regulators eliminate the power quality problems that regularly occur and which are forecasted to increase as the demand for clean power outpaces utility capability. They maintain constant voltage to sensitive electronic equipment even when the power line input voltage and system load vary widely.

WHR Series units use standard control modules, power modules, enclosures and options designed and built specifically for regulator use. The use of modular construction allows a comprehensive line of regulators with ratings up to 1680 kVA and too extensive to be listed in this data sheet. All units are available in floor mount NEMA type 1 enclosures as defined in NEMA standard ICS 1-110. Please fill in and either mail or fax the information requested  on the  Datasheet and Requirement Questionnaire(82KB) to obtain a recommendation for the specific model for your particular installation.

WHR Series STABILINE® Voltage Regulators regulate voltage by automatically adjusting the output of an internal limited range variable transformer to maintain the desired constant output voltage. A solid-state control detects one of the line-to-line output voltages and continually compares it with the selected output and accuracy. If the sensed output is too high or too low, the control unit drives the variable transformer output to the desired value.

Phase Control -Single Phase Control is used on single phase units and on multiphase power systems with balanced voltages. One control unit is used to sense the line-to-line output voltage on one phase. All phase voltages are increased or decreased by the same amount to bring the output voltage on the sensed phase within the desired voltage and accuracy settings. Individual Phase Control is used to correct unbalanced voltages on multiphase systems. Each phase of the regulator has a control unit that independently regulates each line-neutral output voltage.

Input Correction Range -  Input range is the variation of input voltage over which the regulator will maintain constant output voltage. It is expressed as a percent of desired output voltage. Units with voltage ratings of 120-127, 208 x 220-230-240 or 380-400-415 x 480 have a narrow input range of -20% low, +10% high and a wide input range of -30% low, +15% high.

Low Impedance -  Because the interaction of load currents with source impedance causes low voltage, harmonic distortion and voltage unbalance, the very low impedance of a WHR Series unit will not add to these problems. Load Compatibility – WHR Series units handle.

Load Compatibility – WHR Series units handle loads with high starting currents, all power factors and high crest factors to power all types of equipment. To prevent instability, the speed of response is designed to work with electronic power supplies used in most modern equipment.

Transient Suppression – Because transients are a major problem in broadcast locations, a high energy transient suppression option is available for WHR Series Voltage Regulators.

19-Inch Rack Mount - In addition to cabinet models, WHR Series units are available for installation in mobile production vehicles and other applications designed for 19-inch rack mounting. Several models are available in ratings to 41 KVA.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies

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Brand Names



Air Quality Meters

Alcohol Breath Tester

Alignment Equipment

AM & FM Signal Generators


Appliance Testers

Audio Generators

Audio Impedance Meter


Automotive testers



Batteries for Equipment

Battery Analyser /

Battery Desulphator Charger

Bench DMM’s


Bread Boards

Breath  Alcohol Tester

Cable Fault Locators

Cable Height Meter

Cable Testers


Capacitance meters

Carbon Dioxide meters

Carbon Monoxide meters

Car Testers

Caster / Camber Gauges

Chlorine Meter

Clamp meters

Clearance Sale:

Colour Analysers

Combination Combo Meters

Concrete Testing

Conductivity  / TDS meters

Contact Tachometers

Continuity Tester

Controller / Monitors

Corner Weight Scales

Coronavirus COVID-19

Current Meters, Bench Type

Data Acquisition Systems

Data Loggers

Decade Boxes

Dew Point Meters

Digital Vernier Calipers

Digital Scales

Digital Multimeters , DMMs

Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Distance Meters

Drain Pipe Camera

Drug Testing

Dust Monitoring

Earth resistance meter

Earth Leakage Tester, ELCB

Educational Systems

Electrical Connectors

Electromagnetic Field Testers

Electrostatic Field Tester

EMF tester

Explosives Testing

Eye Tracker

Field Strength Meters

Force gauge

Frequency Counter

Function Generators

GSM Controller

Gas leak detector

Green Hybrid Power

Grid Dip Meter

Hardness tester

Helicopter IR Gimbals

HV(High Voltage) Testing

Humidity meter


Inductance Decade Box

Infrared Thermometers

Infrared Thermography


Insulation tester

Laser Levelling

LCR meter

Leakage Clamp Meters

Logic Analyser

Logic Probes/Pulsers

Lux meter, (Light meter)


Metal Detector


Micro-Ohm Meters

Microwave Leakage

Milliohm meter


Moisture meter


Night Vision Equipment

Optical Gas Imaging OGI Thermal Cameras

ORP meter


Oxygen Meters

Pattern generators

Panel meter

PC-Based Instruments

Pen type tester

pH Meters and Probes

Pipe Inspection Camera

Photo Tachometer

Power analyzer

Power clamp meter

Power Supplies

Pressure/Vacuum meter

3 Phase Rotation Tester

Pressure Transducer

Probes, Oscilloscope

Protection Relay Testing

Proximity sensor

Racing Equipment

RCCB tester

RCD, RCCB Testers

Radiation Testers


Renewable Energy

RF Generators

Resistance Decade Box

Roughness tester


Salt meter

Satellite Testing Equipment


Scales, Digital

Shore Hardness Tester


Soil Moisture Meters

Soil pH meter

Solar Power Meter


Sound level meter

Spectrum Analyser


Student Bench Meters

Stun Guns

SWR / RF Power Meters


TDS / Conductivity Meters

Test Leads

Thermal Cameras– Long Distance –20Kms

Thermal Imagers



Thermography Courses

Thickness Testers

Tone Generator/ Tracer

Tools - Hydraulic Crimp

Torque meter

Torque wrench

Transformer Testing

Transient Suppressors


TV & Satellite Meters

Turbidity Meter

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Ultrasonic Thickness

UV Corona & IR Cameras, Combined

UV light meter

Vacuum meter

Variable Transformers

Verniers, Micrometers

Vibration meter

Video Scope

Watt meter

Water Tester

Water Testing Meters

Weather Station

Vacuum/Pressure meter

Voltmeters, Bench Type

Voltage Detectors

Voltage Regulators

5 Way® Binding Posts

Voltage Stabilisers

XRF Analysers

All brands, trade names, trade marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

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Time Group




Superior Electric


S.E.W. Standard Electric Works

Ph:   +27 (011) 683 4365 / 6

E-mail: sales@instrumentsgroup.co.za






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3 Angelica Ave,

Glenvista, Johannesburg, 2091



Postal Address:

As Above.

011 683 4365
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