A Leading South African Test and Measurement Instruments Supplier

“For Good Measure”®

Please contact us by phone, email or visit us at the details given above. We look forward to hearing from you.

Product List


Test and Measurement Instruments C.C.

          CK 1985/007464/23

“Tomorrow’s Instruments Today”  —  “For Good Measure” ®

TMI, Established—1982

English, Afrikaans, Portuguese Speaking.                         Master/Visa Credit Cards

T + M® Instruments      “For Good Measure”®

T + M ®


Wide variety of oscilloscopes in Analog with Digital Readout or  in Digital form including, Digital Storage in Bench Type, Compact Form or Portable Type.

                 Spectrum Analysers

Great Value Spectrum Analysers with good Features and Frequency spectrum up to 1.05 Ghz with IF, Video-Filter, Tracking Generators, Centre Freq, Marker,Sweep

Spectrum AnalysersOscilloscopesT+MT+M

Wide Range of Digital Multimeters with 6000 count Bar Graph, Freq, True RMS, Capacitance, Temp, Duty Cycle, Transistor Test, Diode, plus Normal Features.

6 1/2, 5 1/2, 4 1/2 Digits, True RMS, reading Frequency, Period, Capacitance, hFE, Diode, and normal AC/DC Functions, with High accuracy and resolution, RS232.

Bench Digital MultimetersHandheld MultimetersT+MT+M

                 Educational Systems

Educational Systems in Basic Electricity, Electronics, Telecommunication, Electrical Power Machines, Control and Instrumentation, Servo Systems Many More.

                 Function Generators

O,03 Hz to 20 Mhz with Built-in 5 digit 10 Mhz Freq Counter, Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp, Pulse, TTL, and CMOS with DC Offset, AM, FM, FSK, Adj. Symmetry.

Function GeneratorsEducational SystemsT+M Instruments

                 Power Supplies

Single, Dual, Triple and Quad Output.  Various Voltage, Current Limiting, Digital, Analog Displays, Independent Parallel and Series.

Power SuppliesT+M Instruments

                 Audio Generators

10 Hz to 1 Mhz in many ranges,  Sine, Square wave, with 7 Digit Frequency Counter, LED display, Ext Sync

Many Models with ratings : 200VA, 500 VA, 1KVA, 2KVA, 3KVA, 5KVA, 10KVA, 20KVA, 30KVA

Variable TransformersT+M InstrumentsT+M Instruments

                 Digital Infrared Thermometers        

Infrared Laser Temperature Meter : -20 to 270 degC, Resolution: 1 degC / F. Typical Distance to Target - 1.0m Auto Power Off, Single Dot Laser Targeting


Calibrator Source V, mA, Ohms, and Frequency. Measures: V, mA, Ohms, Frequency & Temperature. 40000 Counts, RS232 and Software

CalibratorsDigital Infrared ThermometersT+M InstrumentsT+M Instruments

                 RF Generators

100 Khz to 150 Mhz (Harmonic 450 Mhz) RF Signal , Audio and Stereo Signal Generator with Int/Ext AM, FM, FM Stereo,Built-in Freq Counter,Analog/Digital Display.

                 LCR Meters, Bench, Precision

Precision LCR Meters some with 2 Signal Sources, Programmable, RS232, Comparator and Correction Functions. Test Freqs : 100Hz, 120Hz, 1Khz, 10Khz.

LCR Digital Precision MetersRF GeneratorsT+M InstrumentsT+M InstrumentsOscilloscopes T+MSpectrum AnalysersT+MHandheld Digital Multimeters, DMM's PictureBench Type Digital Multimeters, DMM's PictureT+MFunction Generators PictureT+MPower Supplies PictureT+MAudio GeneratorsVariable Transformers & Inverters PictureT+MDigital Infared Thermometers PictureRF Signal Generators PictureT+MBench Precision LCR Meters PictureT+M

This is our branded range of products, being the result of an inspiration from a 25 year long term supplier of quality and reputable instruments.

                 AC Voltage Detectors

Voltage Detector. Non Contact Detection, Ideal to Locate Invisible AC Line or Break point.

                 Coating Thickness Testers

Various types from 0 to 1,25um / 1,000um, 255mm of various Materials, on Various Substrates Metalic / Non Metalic, Metric /Imperial.

Coating Thickness TestersAC Voltage MetersT+M InstrumentsT+M InstrumentsT+MT+M

                 Distance Meters

Laser and Ultrasonic Distance Meters, for up to 75m, 50m,  18m in small and compact instruments with Arithmetic Functions, and Memory Storage.

Distance MetersT+M InstrumentsDistance Meters PictureCoating Thickness Testers PictureAC Voltage Detectors Picture

                 Logic Probes

Logic LED Hi / Lo Detection with / without Beeper, Pulser for Logic Circuits

Logic ProbesT+M InstrumentsLogic Probes PictureEducational Systems PictureBorescopesT+M InstrumentsEndoscope Video Scope Picture

                 Hardness Testers

Hardness Tester, for Steel, Plastic/Rubber /Sponge-like, hardness, Pocket size, and Table top units available reading in Rockwell B/C, Vickers, Brinell, Shore, Leeb.

Hardness testersT+M InstrumentsT+M TM 6510D Hardness TesterLutron Instruments CC-420 Current Calibrator

Satellite Finder Spectrum Analyser. 950 —  2150 Mhz. Input Level :  –65 to 25 dBm. Shows Picture and Quality of Picture with Numerical and Bar Graph Reading.

Sateillite FindersT+M InstrumentsT+M WS-6902 Satelite Finder Spectrum Analyser

Part No:  Predator I

Night Vision Portable Video Camera. Has Built-in X 5 Magnification to 200m. 16GB Memory stick for long recordings. Small, Portable, Rugged, Very Affordable.

T + M®

Predator IT+M InstrumentsT+M RegT+M Night Vision Portable Video Camera

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T + M Instruments

T + M ®

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Clearance Sale:

Excess Stock to be cleared while stocks last. >   Click for More...

T.M.I.T+M Products

T + M ®


                 HandHeld Digital Multimeters

                 Bench Digital Multimeters

Borescope, Endoscopes, Video Scopes      

Borescope, Endoscope, Colour LCD. Views in  hidden places with  1 metre probe. Tip has 4 White LED’s.Focaldistance of 3 - 6 cm. Diameter: 5.5 cm

Test our Service and           

Measure with our                 


T+M Test Lead set. Includes protective pouch, Alligator clips AL-01 x 2, TL-1053 x 2, TL-1055 x 2, TL-1056 x 2. Total of 8 pieces. Double Insulation, Cat III

T+M LS-08 Test Leads
T+M LS-08 Test Leads with case and croc clips

Part No: TL-08

T+M TL-08 Test lead setFaceBook TMITwitter TMI

Transformer Testing Equipment like Turns Ratio Meter, Winding Resistance Tester, Insulation Oil Tester.

Transformer TestingT+M Transformer Testing

           Transformer Testing

Transformer Testing
Test and Measurement Instruments Africa.TMI Pagerank
index sitemap advanced

Part No:  TM-HT02

Thermal Imaging Infrared Thermometer-20°C - 300°C, 60 x 60 pixels, Colour Palettes, SD Memory Card  stores 25,000 images. Combines Digital & Thermal Images.

T + M®

T+M Instruments TM-HT02 Infrared Thermal Imaging ThermometerT+M Instruments TM-HT02 Infrared Thermal Imaging Thermometer
T+M Instruments TM-HT02 Infrared Thermal Imaging Thermometer

Tablet Oscilloscopes,100MHz to 200Mhz. World First. tBook Series. Touch Screen control. Thin, Powerful. Digital Storage. Easy Operation. Long Battery Life. Mouse Operation.

T + M®

T+M TM-tBook Series Digital Portable Storage Oscilloscopes
T+M TM-tBook Series Digital Portable Storage OscilloscopesT+M TM-tBook Series Digital Portable Storage Oscilloscopes30th anniversay of Test and Measurement Instruments c.c.

Pen Type Hardness Tester, Easy to use, Small, HL,HV,HRA,HRC,HRB,HB,HV, HS Standards. Repeatability Value: 0.8%. Lithium Battery.

T + M®

T+M LPad Pen Hardness TesterT+M LPad Pen Hardness Tester
LPad Pen Type Hardness Tester

Weather Station : Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Wind Speed, Direction, Solar Radiation, UV Index, Rainfall, Wind Gust, dew Point, Moon Phase, etc.

WH2303 Weather StationWH2303 Weather Station

WiFi Weather Station : Data to be viewed online anywhere, anytime in real time with graphs, tables and historic records.

HP2000 WiFi Weather Station
HP2000 WiFi Weather Station T+M WH2303 Weather StationT+M WH2303 Weather Station

Part No:  TL360R

TL360R 360° 3-Plane Levelling and Alignment Line Laser Level, Self Levelling. High Quality, ±3mm/10m, IP54, Weight : 0,9 kg.

T + M®

TL360R 360° 3-Plane Levelling and Alignment Line Laser Level, Self Levelling.TL360R 360° 3-Plane Levelling and Alignment Line Laser Level, Self Levelling.
TL360R 360° 3-Plane Levelling and Alignment Line Laser Level, Self Levelling.

TM-MD120 Multi Functional Wall Detector of Materials. Magnetic Material-120mm, Wood -38mm, Non-Magnetic - 80mm. Wire drawing Current -110mm.

TM-MD120 Multi Functional Wall Detector of Metals and other Materials.TM-MD120 Multi Functional Wall Detector of Metals and other Materials.
TM-MD120 Multi Functional Wall Detector of Metals and other Materials.

Temperature, Humidity Data Logger ,USB/ Bluetooth. Free software. IP65. Hi/Lo Alarm. Full memory Alarm,  Over 1 year battery life at 1min sampling. Dew Point Temp. Curve.

T + M

T+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data LoggerT+M-TM-LD9100 Series Temperature USB Data Logger

Power Quality Analyser. Multi Function Panel Meter.. 8 Digit Displays. Measures True RMS (Individual & Ave.), Volts, Amps, PF, Phase angle, Freq, Harmonics, Peak Demand, Power, Energy

T + M®

T+M POWER ANALYSER-VIPS-80EL Power Analyser Panel MeterT+M POWER ANALYSER-VIPS-80EL Power Analyser Panel MeterT+M POWER ANALYSER-VIPS-80EL Power Analyser Panel Meter

Part No: RD-60

Radiation Dosimeter. X-γ and β is a portable X-γ and β radiation measuring instrument. Built-In Geiger-Muller Counter. Auto Setting of  Intervals and Ranges.

T + M®

T+M DR-60 Radiation Dosimeter. Raytech NDTT+M DR-60 Radiation Dosimeter. Raytech NDTT+M DR-60 Radiation Dosimeter.

Part No: FY-II

Personal Radiation Dose Alarm. X-γ Dose. Energy Range: 30KeV—60Co, -40% -to +80%. Speaker and Alarm. GM Tube.

T + M®

T+M FY-II Personal Radiation Dose Alarm. Raytech NDTT+M FY-II Personal Radiation Dose Alarm. Raytech NDTT+M FY-II Personal Radiation Dose Alarm. Raytech NDT

Part No: DP802i

Personal Radiation Dose Alarm. X, γ and hard-β rays.

Energy Range: 40Kev - 1.5Mev,  Alarm. Protective Alarm Response—Less than 5 Seconds.

T + M®

T+M DP802i Personal Radiation Dose Alarm Meter. Raytech NDTT+M DP802i Personal Radiation Dose Alarm Meter. Raytech NDTT+M DP802i Personal Radiation Dose Alarm Meter. Raytech NDT
T+M Cable Fault Location Systems
T+M Cable Fault Location Systems Tanbos Hangzhou Bete Equipment Manufacture

High Voltage (HV) Cable Fault Location Systems. Intelligent Digital Fault Location Systems for High, Medium and Low Voltages. Overhead cables and more.

T+M Cable Fault Location SystemsCable fault Location Systems
T+M T20 Cable Fault Locator System
T+M T20 Cable Fault Locator System. Tanbos

T20 Fault Locator                

0- 35KV Power Cable Fault Locator System, LP30/2 Power Unit, WL20 Cable Fault Pre-Locator and PP10  Fault Pin-Pointer. With optional Impulse Coupler.

T+M T20 Cable Fault Locator System. Tanbos

T + M®

T+M T20 Cable Fault Locator System.
TM-FCI + Love Cable Identifier.
TM-FCI + Love Cable Identifier. Tanbos

Live Cable Identifier uses Audio recognition technology to accurately identify cables without power outage. Pulse  signals are easily identified from other EMF signals.

TM-FCI + Love Cable Identifier. TanbosTM-FCI + Love Cable Identifier.
T+M T8 - 15KV Cable Fault Location System
T+M T8 - 15KV Cable Fault Location System. Tanbos

0– 15KV Power Cable Fault Locator System, LP8/10 Power Unit, WL20 Cable Fault Pre-Locator and PP10  Fault Pin-Pointer. With optional Impulse Coupler.

T+M T20 Cable Fault Locator System. Tanbos

T + M®

T8 - 15KV Cable Fault Location System

Handheld Combined IR and Corona Imaging Camera. Features Solar Blind Corona & Video Camera, FLIR IR Thermal Camera,  & High Spec Sony Visible Camera.

TM-CoroCam8 Combined UV and IR Corona Camera.
TM-CoroCam8 Combined UV and IR Corona Camera. UVIRCO
TMI Pagerank

Part No   TM193B

3 5/6 digits 6000 counts large LCD display with non contact Volts detection, Bluetooth, OffLine DataLogging Function, Flash Light, Audio Broadcast, Cap, Freq, Duty Ratio,

R 1650.00

Excl VAT

T + M

T+M TM193B Digital Multimeter with Non Contact Voltage Detection.T+M TM193B Digital Multimeter with Non Contact Voltage Detection. Owon.T+M TM193B Digital Multimeter with Non Contact Voltage Detection.

Monocular, Helmet Mounted Night Vision. Mil– Spec.

Weight—160g with battery. Viewing Angle—39.5°. Infrared Standby time– 24 hrs. 4th Generation  optoelectronics.

Helmet mounted Night Vision Equipment.
Helmet mounted Night Vision Equipment.T+M Helmet mounted Night Vision Equipment. szta_technogogy at 163 dot com

T + M®

T + M Hand Hydraulic Crimping Tool. 10 to 185mm2 (price including dies from 10 to 185mm2). Crimping Force– 6 Ton. Rated Pressure—700Bar. Weight– 2,3 kgs. In plastic case with dies.

T + M HCT-185 Hand Hydraulic Crimping ToolT + M HCT-185 Hand Hydraulic Crimping Tool. TanbosT + M HCT-185 Hand Hydraulic Crimping Tool
T + M HCT-185 Hand Hydraulic Crimping Tool

T + M Battery Powered Crimping Tool. 50 to 400 mm2 (price including dies from 50 to 400 mm2). Crimping Force– 12 Ton. Rated Pressure—700Bar. Weight - 6kgs. In plastic case with dies.

T + M ECT-12042 Battery operated Hydraulic Crimping ToolT + M ECT-12042 Battery operated Hydraulic Crimping Tool. Tanbos
T + M ECT-12042 Battery operated Hydraulic Crimping Tool

T + M Battery Powered Crimping Tool. Up to 300 mm2 with 4 indentations (price includes 2 Batteries. Crimping Force– 6 Ton. Rated Pressure—700Bar. Weight - 6kgs. In plastic case with dies.

T+M ECT-6030 Battery Powered Crimping. T+M ECT-6030 Battery Powered Crimping. Tanbos
ECT-6030 Battery Powered Crimping

Brand Names



Air Quality Meters

Alcohol Breath Tester

Alignment Equipment

AM & FM Signal Generators


Appliance Testers

Audio Generators

Audio Impedance Meter


Automotive testers



Batteries for Equipment

Battery Analyser /

Battery Desulphator Charger

Bench DMM’s


Bread Boards

Breath  Alcohol Tester

Cable Fault Locators

Cable Height Meter

Cable Testers


Capacitance meters

Carbon Dioxide meters

Carbon Monoxide meters

Car Testers

Caster / Camber Gauges

Chlorine Meter

Clamp meters

Clearance Sale:

Colour Analysers

Combination Combo Meters

Concrete Testing

Conductivity  / TDS meters

Contact Tachometers

Continuity Tester

Controller / Monitors

Corner Weight Scales

Coronavirus COVID-19

Current Meters, Bench Type

Data Acquisition Systems

Data Loggers

Decade Boxes

Dew Point Meters

Digital Vernier Calipers

Digital Scales

Digital Multimeters , DMMs

Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Distance Meters

Drain Pipe Camera

Drug Testing

Dust Monitoring

Earth resistance meter

Earth Leakage Tester, ELCB

Educational Systems

Electrical Connectors

Electromagnetic Field Testers

Electrostatic Field Tester

EMF tester

Explosives Testing

Eye Tracker

Field Strength Meters

Force gauge

Frequency Counter

Function Generators

GSM Controller

Gas leak detector

Green Hybrid Power

Grid Dip Meter

Hardness tester

Helicopter IR Gimbals

HV(High Voltage) Testing

Humidity meter


Inductance Decade Box

Infrared Thermometers

Infrared Thermography


Insulation tester

Laser Levelling

LCR meter

Leakage Clamp Meters

Logic Analyser

Logic Probes/Pulsers

Lux meter, (Light meter)


Metal Detector


Micro-Ohm Meters

Microwave Leakage

Milliohm meter


Moisture meter


Night Vision Equipment

Optical Gas Imaging OGI Thermal Cameras

ORP meter


Oxygen Meters

Pattern generators

Panel meter

PC-Based Instruments

Pen type tester

pH Meters and Probes

Pipe Inspection Camera

Photo Tachometer

Power analyzer

Power clamp meter

Power Supplies

Pressure/Vacuum meter

3 Phase Rotation Tester

Pressure Transducer

Probes, Oscilloscope

Protection Relay Testing

Proximity sensor

Racing Equipment

RCCB tester

RCD, RCCB Testers

Radiation Testers


Renewable Energy

RF Generators

Resistance Decade Box

Roughness tester


Salt meter

Satellite Testing Equipment


Scales, Digital

Shore Hardness Tester


Soil Moisture Meters

Soil pH meter

Solar Power Meter


Sound level meter

Spectrum Analyser


Student Bench Meters

Stun Guns

SWR / RF Power Meters


TDS / Conductivity Meters

Test Leads

Thermal Cameras– Long Distance –20Kms

Thermal Imagers



Thermography Courses

Thickness Testers

Tone Generator/ Tracer

Tools - Hydraulic Crimp

Torque meter

Torque wrench

Transformer Testing

Transient Suppressors


TV & Satellite Meters

Turbidity Meter

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Ultrasonic Thickness

UV Corona & IR Cameras, Combined

UV light meter

Vacuum meter

Variable Transformers

Verniers, Micrometers

Vibration meter

Video Scope

Watt meter

Water Tester

Water Testing Meters

Weather Station

Vacuum/Pressure meter

Voltmeters, Bench Type

Voltage Detectors

Voltage Regulators

5 Way® Binding Posts

Voltage Stabilisers

XRF Analysers

All brands, trade names, trade marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

T + M®                      




Time Group




Superior Electric


S.E.W. Standard Electric Works

Part No:  GSL2

GSL2 Mini 2 Line Cross Laser Level, Self Levelling, Low cost, Ideal for building  applications, ceilings,  laying ceramic tiles etc. Can use with tripod.


excl VAT

T + M®

GSL2, was TL180 Mini 2 Line Cross Laser Level, Self Levelling.GSL2, was TL180 Mini 2 Line Cross Laser Level, Self Levelling.GSL2, was TL180 Mini 2 Line Cross Laser Level, Self Levelling.

Part No:  GR20

GR20 Mini Inclinometer Up to 0.1° Accuracy, Magnets on all sides, Data Hold, Lithium Battery Charging interface, Sensitive Response, Low cost, Ideal for many applications,

T + M®

GR20 Digital Inclinometer with Magnets. dobi yGR20 Digital Inclinometer with Magnets. doby com cnGR20 Digital Inclinometer with Magnets. dobi y
TM-LB4-60A Intelligent Insulation Burn Through Fault LocationTM-LB4-60A Intelligent Insulation Burn Through Fault Location. Tanbos

Intelligent Power Cable Insulation Fault Location Bridge. Burns through high resistance insulation faults with up to 60kV DC and 600mA. Hi Quality trolley case from USA.

TM-LB4-60A Intelligent Insulation Burn Through Fault Location. Tanbos
TM-LB4-60A Intelligent Insulation Burn Through Fault Location
T+M Electrical Construction Tools.
T+M Electrical Construction Tools.

Electrical Construction Tools. Hydraulic Crimpers , Electric Power Crimping Tools, Battery Cutters, Spikers, Busbar punching Tools, Pipe Benders, Nut Splitters and many more.

T+M Electrical Construction Tools.T+M Electrical Construction Tools.

High Voltage Handheld and Trolley Case Series. Loop Resistance, Transformer turns Ration, Capacitance Current Tester, DC High Voltage Generator and many more.

T + M®

High Voltage Testers
High Voltage Testers TanbosHVD High Voltage DetectorHigh Voltage Testers

Ph:   +27 (011) 683 4365 / 6

E-mail: sales@instrumentsgroup.co.za






Physical   Address:              

3 Angelica Ave,

Glenvista, Johannesburg, 2091



Postal Address:

As Above.

011 683 4365
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TMI Monthly Specials

This Month’s Special

Click  Ex-Series  for Spec.

Also: Thermal Imagers

FLIR TG267 Thermal Imagng Spot Non Contact Thermometer T+M Instruments Lutron InstrumentFluke Instrument Flir Infrared ThermometryITC Training Centre Thermography CoursesEZ Digital Time Group High Time TechnologyElektroPhysikPromax Electronics Acute PC-Based Instruments from Test andMeasurement Instruments C.C.Intercomp "For any Measure"MSR Electronics Superior Electric PowerstatK and H EducationalSEW InstrumentsRishabh LogoDanatronics LogoYokogawa Instruments T+M VERYTEK range of test and meaurement instrumentsRohde and ShwarzMegger Test Instruments and Equipment, Megger South Africa, Megger SA.Extech Test and Measuring InstrumentsHurleyIR Military Night Thermal Cameras and GimbalsIntoximeters Breath Alcohol TestersGuideIR Thermal Cameras, Guide-IR, Guide Sensmart, JEET VideoscopesTriplett Test Equipment and ToolsDetectaChem for Explosives and Drug Testing