A Leading South African Test and Measurement Instruments Supplier |
“For Good Measure”® |
Please contact us by phone, email or visit us at the details given above. We look forward to hearing from you. |
Product List |
T.M.I. |
Test and Measurement Instruments C.C. |
CK 1985/007464/23 |
“Tomorrow’s Instruments Today” — “For Good Measure” ® |
TMI, Established—1982 |
English, Afrikaans, Portuguese Speaking. Master/Visa Credit Cards |
Dust and Aerosol Monitoring |
Dust Monitoring |
Dust and Aerosol level monitoring from handheld instruments. |
T + M ® |
Excess Stock to be cleared while stocks last. > Click for More... |
Test our Service and Measure with our Instruments. |
Dust and Aerosol Monitoring from Handheld instrument. From 0.001mg/m3—250 g/m3 for realtime detection of airborne dusts, fumes and aerosols with data logging. |
T + M® |
We would be very pleased to see you at our offices and show room at the address given above. Please use the maps supplied on our Contact Us page, or call us for directions, should you not be using our GPS Co-Ordinates supplied. It will be our pleasure to assist with your unique requirements. We trust that your visit will be an enjoyable one. T+M® For Good Measure. |
Please Note: This is not our complete range, so please contact us for further information on any product that you require, which is not seen on our site. You can call us on +27 (011) 683 4365 or email us by clicking here. |
Copyright © 2009—2025Test and Measurement Instruments C.C. | All rights reserved Dust Monitoring |
T + M ® |
Air Quality Testing Meters |
Air Quality Meter. 6 in 1 Reall Time Data Logger with SD Card for CO@, CO, O2, Humidity<, Temperature, Dew Point, Temp (Humidity) , Wet Bulb Temp ( Humidity) |
Lutron |
Brand Names |
All brands, trade names, trade marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners. |
Ph: +27 (011) 683 4365 / 6 E-mail: sales@instrumentsgroup.co.za
Physical Address: 3 Angelica Ave, Glenvista, Johannesburg, 2091 SOUTH AFRICA
Postal Address: As Above. |
Part No: TM-DUST 700 |
Portable Real Time Particulate Monitor. Measures PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10. Data Logging. Audible and Colour Coded Visual Alarm. Optional Vibration Alert. |
T + M® |
This Month’s Special |
Click Ex-Series for Spec. Also: Thermal Imagers |
See also: Air Quality Meters |
Part No: EPC175 |
Indoor Air Quality Meter Displaying Particle Count (PM2.5/PM10), Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Formaldehyde (HCHO) and TVOCs, programmable alarm |
Triplett |
Part No: AQ-9901SD |
Air Quality Meter. Real Time Data Recorder, CO2, CO, O2, Temp, Humidity, Dew Point, Wet Bulb Humidity, 6 in 1 . Saves data to SD in Excel directly. |
Lutron |